I'm terrible at coming up with coming up with convincing storylines for games, so instead of me trying to come up with something lackluster, why don't I grab something from the public domain like folk tales? So it ended up being Brother's Grimms fairytales. See if you can recognize some of them.

First time making a top down action game with light RPG elements. Was more work than I wanted it to be, but I'm mostly happy with it.

Made for BaraJam 2022. Since the scope was much bigger, it's just a demo for the jam. There's plenty of scenarios and other content that's not there yet. I'd like to add it eventually.


grimms_brotherhood_v-demo-rc4_linux-x86_64.zip 87 MB
grimms_brotherhood_v-demo-rc4_linux-x86.zip 87 MB
grimms_brotherhood_v-demo-rc4_win-32.zip 86 MB
grimms_brotherhood_v-demo-rc4_win-64.zip 86 MB
grimms_brotherhood_v-demo_rc4_macos.zip 100 MB